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EnXylaScope joins FNR-16-2020 cluster "Enzymes for greener products"

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26 October 2021

The first online meeting for the FNR-16-2020 Cluster “Enzymes for greener products”, organised in cooperation with the REA (Unit B3 “Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment”), was held online on 14th October 2021.

This Cluster gathered the 4 projects funded under the call FNR-16-2020 “Enzymes for more environment-friendly consumer products (call Food and Natural Resources)”: EnXylaScope (Grant Agreement no 101000831), FuturEnzyme (Grant Agreement no 101000327), OXIPRO (Grant Agreement no 101000607) and RADICALZ (Grant Agreement no 101000560).

This meeting is the first of a series of meetings through which the 4 Consortia will undertake the best collaborative efforts with a view to maximise efficiency and impact, by favouring synergies and avoiding overlapping or duplication of activities.

The Coordinators and Project Managers of the 4 projects participated in the meeting, which was joined by the 2 Project Officers and other members from the EU Research Executive Agency Unit B3 “Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment” and the Policy Officer from DG Research & Innovation, Unit B1 “Circular Economy & Biobased Systems”.

FuturEnzyme -